
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

Cato the Elder7/23/2010 8:08:04 pm PDT

I am firmly of the ancient rhetorical school that says if something is hard to define, try reversing the equation and defining its opposite.

So, I’ve been puzzling for months over what the fuck the idiotards mean by “Tranzi Prog”.

Let us proceed step by step.

“Tranzi Prog” is short for “transnational progressive”.

So, what would be the opposite of that?

“Monocultural regressive”?

“Atavistic tribalist retardohater”?

I am leaning towards a combination of the two and thinking the term should be “Monoatavist regressive” - hence, I present to you now the “Monzi Regrowth” - a knuckledragging sport of nature, generally seen in the wild with tribalist tattoos, a notably low brow, and a penchant for fantasizing about beating the crap out of black kids on the tunnelbana in Stockholm, although most of them can’t afford a road trip to the local casino, much less a ticket to the imaginary blonde paradise of Scandinavia.

Pictures here.

Hi, Bagua!