
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

harlequinade8/31/2010 12:08:50 am PDT

While this is a very interesting debate on the ability of certain types of people to vote, there is a enormous elephant over here that I’d like to draw your attention to.

The people in this video are getting faulty information. They are being fed lied and distortions under the guise of fact and news. It isn’t the electorate that’s the problem, it’s the information they are getting.

And blah blah blah freedom of speech blah blah blah protects the rights of liars to lie to people who are scared. BUT these liars need to be called on it. Publicly and all the time.

Let’s look at how us Brits deal with, say, Coulter.

Until there’s a rigorous, balanced, and investigative press - because 2 liberals on MSNBC and a couple of satirists does now a Librul media make - these people will continue to be mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed BS.