
Obama's BP Speech

Dark_Falcon6/15/2010 9:10:52 pm PDT

re: #667 swamprat

Obama does not have good rhetorical skills; he’s fine at that “reason” and “logic” stuff, but he is lacking in good old fashioned emo-button pushing.
He should study the rhetoric from other times and issues.

The “classics”, as it were.

As for how I, personally feel about off-shore drilling, all I can say is…

Off-shore drilling should be legal, safe and rare.

But please consider these also;

Off shore drilling rigs; would you want your sister to live next to one?
Oil consumption and America…Separate, but Equal!
Oil is not healthy for children and other living things.
Internal Combustion; Love it or leave it!
Black, (gooey, smelly, fish killing) Power!
song; “Where have all the Flowers Scampi gone?
You can have have my coal furnace when you rip it from my cold, unheated house!
Off the rigs!

Obama made a conscious choice more than 20 years ago to eschew that sort of rhetoric. He decided that talking that way would get him pigeonholed as an “angry black man”. His calm “No Drama Obama” way of speaking was designed to be non-threatening but is therefore of necessity devoid of great passion.