
Live Video: President Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Kragar4/27/2013 9:28:19 pm PDT

Maddow: Right wing fringe is now a cynical money-making ‘racket’

Men like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, said Maddow, are monetizing their fame in any way they can. If you’re already in a relationship and don’t need Info Wars dating, you can still buy some Glenn Beck pants or some Rush Limbaugh iced tea.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who Maddow “has always counted on the conspiracy theorists to be part of his base,” has now left Congress and decided to get back in bed with the right wing fringe. Friday, he appeared on Alex Jones’ radio show.

“Remember,” Maddow said, “the chief Alex Jones conspiracy theory right now is that the White House bombed the Boston Marathon. The government did it as a false flag attack as part of a New World Order conspiracy involving Marxism and fascism and helicopters and something about Mexico.”

“Honestly,” she confessed. “I got lost trying to figure it out.”

The whole business seems more and more like an elaborate scam, she said.

“These guys have a good racket going and they have all been in the racket for decades,” she continued. “You know, it’s always the end of the world but not quite yet. Subscribe for one more month, because then it will be the end of the world, only $19.95 and yes, you can pay in gold.”