
New York Times Calls for "Shrill" Critics to Stop "Vilifying" Edward Snowden

wrenchwench1/02/2014 12:43:28 pm PST
I’ll be watching; and I predict Greenwald will try to slime Marcus, a centrist liberal columnist, because she’s married to Democrat Jon Leibowitz.

Just because he’s a Dem, or because of Leibowitz’s work related to privacy issues?

Jon Leibowitz, the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, said on Thursday that he would resign effective mid-February. His departure will end a four-year tenure in which he pushed for online privacy protections and sought to restrain unfair competition, but stumbled in an attempt to rein in the Internet search practices of Google.

Jon Leibowitz has headed the Federal Trade Commission since March 2009 and was a commissioner since 2004.

Mr. Leibowitz, 54, said in an interview that he intended to move to the private sector and was likely to focus on competition policy and privacy.


Under Mr. Leibowitz, who was a commissioner for more than four years before being appointed chairman in 2009, the commission also worked to expand the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and brought an enforcement action against Intel for unfair competitive practices in the microprocessor market.
