
RNC Spokesman on Cliven Bundy: Conservatives Are the Real Victims

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/25/2014 12:39:58 pm PDT

re: #63 EPR-radar

The party that welcomed disaffected racists to bring about the post civil-rights party realignment doesn’t get to be taken seriously on race until at least:

1) The fact of the southern strategy is admitted.

2) The welcome mat for neo-confederates and racists is withdrawn, both in elected leadership and in places like the National Review.

I think Ken Mehlman did admit it back in 2004 and what do you know Limbaugh got pissed but you still didn’t see any trace of number two. I’d also settle for three an apology to minority communities for using them as scapegoats to get elected. The latter is why by the way I will never admire Reagan.