
GotNewsDotCom Identifies Wrong Woman as Wife of Garland, TX, Shooter

lawhawk5/05/2015 7:14:10 am PDT

re: #60 Lidane

I am amused by the RWNJs who think Carson has a chance.

After all the bullshit the GOP have kicked up since 2008 about Obama being inexperienced what makes anyone think that Ben Carson is going to become POTUS? The GOP are not going to nominate a man who’s never even run for his local school board to the highest office in the land.

Carson thinks that government should run like a business.

Except that Carson has no actual business experience. He’s a surgeon.

Businesses don’t get to raise taxes, operate a military (Blackwater, Halliburton, and Pinkerton being the exceptions, not the rule), have nuclear weapons, etc.

Government operates for the greater good. It isn’t the profit motive that keeps government functioning.

Carson’s only redeeming feature to the GOP is that he’s an outsider. And that’s it.

And it reflects in the fact that he barely rates 5 points in GOP nomination polling. Though, that’s better than business wiz Carly Fiorina (whose claim to fame for business expertise was nearly driving HP off a fiscal cliff). Or Bobby Jindal (who’s doing the same to Louisiana).