
Friday Night Jam: Darwin Deez, "The Mess She Made"

lawhawk11/14/2015 5:53:54 am PST

I can’t even deal with Facebook at the moment. Folks who should know better are busy spouting off as though they know exactly what to do in Paris - or worse, blaming refugees who are fleeing from war-torn regions of Africa and the Middle East precisely to escape from the likes of Bashar Assad or ISIL.

Blaming refugees. It’s a common theme. We’ve seen it before. We’ve seen what happens when refugees aren’t taken in. People die. Lots of them. Before WWII, it was Jews trying to escape Germany. During the war, it was Jews trying to escape Europe. They were turned away from the US. Many ended up dead.

This is the legacy that the right wingers want? To be counted with those who refused to assist refugees fleeing the very violence of the same kind as happened in Paris last night?

ISIL isn’t going to be defeated by blocking refugees from coming into the US or Europe or other countries? ISIL wont be defeated by blowing up the Iraqi oil fields supposedly under ISIL control (that was a Trump™ idea). It’ll be defeated when people unite to take on the terror group and create the conditions that prevent the group’s ideology from taking hold.

It isn’t simple. It isn’t easy. And it doesn’t always include dropping bombs, let alone the genocidal rantings of some on the right who would trot out the nuke Mecca, genocidal nonsense of eliminating an entire religious order from existence - Islam.

I weep for those in Paris, worry for the refugees, and I pray that whoever occupies the WH next stands up to the right wing bigotry and hatred.