
Seth Meyers: A Government Shutdown Is Imminent, and It's Entirely the Responsibility of Trump and the GOP

Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom1/17/2018 8:47:43 pm PST

While I realize this will cause enormous problems for the citizens of the USA, a part of me is downright gleeful that this is going to happen. (Maybe. There’s still time to stop it.) Republicans control all 3 branches of your government. If it shuts down, it’s on them, and them alone. My hope, however faint, is that it will, once and for all, demonstrate how absolutely hopeless the GOP are at governing. They can’t even control their own president, who is a living, breathing demonstration of the cliche, The Emperor has no clothes. But of course, with the mass media being as hopeless as it is, there’s a real chance the GOP will be able to skate at least a little. I devoutly hope not. This appallingly pathetic bunch of incompetents, low life scum, and traitors has got to go!