
Video: Samantha Bee Has a New Panel of Censors to Stop Her From Breaking the Internet Again

Nerdy Fish6/07/2018 2:17:23 pm PDT

re: #65 Bubblehead II

Yep. And when Idaho farmers/meat producers can’t sell their products over seas, well they might, just might, regret voting for this clown.

No, they won’t. It’ll be Obama’s fault, or the Deep State, or some fucking lame shit like that. They will never, ever blame Trump for anything. When the history books of the next generation write that he was literally the worst President to ever be elected to the office, there will still be howler monkeys who claim that he was the bestest President and all those mean things are just a smear job by Deep State Obama-ists to make their beloved Cheetolini look bad.