
The Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump, Featuring His Lying Sycophantic Lawyers

Targetpractice1/25/2020 11:32:47 am PST

re: #43 Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)

apparently the bar cant do anything because it’s not a ‘real’ court and the lawyers themselves arent under oath

else they’d be in all kinds of trouble for pulling this shit

Unfortunately for them, the court of public opinion is not going to let them skate on such technicalities. The lies are going to be called out, even if the corporate press avoids calling them lies, and the image of a “defense” that’s stuck lying their asses off will be what the voters see. As will the Chief Justice who, instead of holding their feet to the fire, is sitting in his seat like he’s attending a college lecture when he’d rather be anywhere else.