
Punch Brothers: "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (3/3/22 Boston, MA)

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion3/21/2022 6:29:00 pm PDT

I got CLed leaving a window open while running to the store…

re: #224 The Pie Overlord!

IANAL, but can somebody here who is a lawyer or at least watches a bunch of lawyer shows on TV explain to me how “Hunter Biden’s Laptop” is admissible evidence in a court of law?

It doesn’t exist (and no the NYT Article never said it did) so it’s not. They’ve been fucking this chicken for over a year now and not once has even a picture of it been shown. Half the time they can’t decide if it one laptop or two, where it came from, or if it’s just a hard drive.

It doesn’t exist. All they have are emails from somewhere, that Hunter Biden said are real, that completely torpedo the whole narrative on it.