
Another Gloriously Bizarre AI Video From Bob Schneider: "The Human Torch"

Hecuba's daughter12/27/2023 10:35:12 pm PST

re: #65 Targetpractice

I think that’s what has come as such as shock to the pundit class, that without the guardrail that was Roe in place, the Repubs immediately careened over the edge to the tune of “Onward, Christian Soldiers!” They didn’t expect to wake up the morning after Dobbs dropped to find out that red states had all sorts of bans and restrictions on the books that would snap back into place the moment Roe was overturned. They’re seeing how hollow words like “states rights” and “personal freedom” really are when uttered by Republicans and it’s making them very uncomfortable.

The pundit class was always aware that “states rights” and “personal freedom” were gobbledygook terms that GOP threw out to pretend those were concepts that concerned them. But they thought the GOP would have some clever approach to persuade voters that they were on the right side of the abortion issue. After all, Texas passed its vile legislation while Roe was still the law of the land — legislation that basically prevented abortions in their state. Yet Texas politicians faced no pushback from voters.