
Otoboke Beaver - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/03/2024 2:12:07 am PDT

Huffington Post, June 2, 2024

Kevin McCarthy Wants Matt Gaetz ‘Convicted’ Over ‘Underage Women’

“The former House speaker uses some of his strongest words yet against his GOP arch-rival.”

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) called for the prosecution and conviction of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla) on Sunday.

“I just don’t think Gaetz is a conservative,” McCarthy said on CNN when asked why he’s supporting Gaetz’s primary opponent. “If you think about it, if there’s anybody who should go to trial, I mean, Gaetz is one who should be convicted in a trial.”

“Why? asked CNN’s Manu Raju. “Why do you say that?”

“We all know the challenge here,” McCarthy said. “You can’t sleep with underage women and think you can get away with it.”

“He denies that,” Raju pointed out.

“Well, the women don’t,” McCarthy said. “And so there’s people in jail because of it.”
