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A Cranky One6/04/2024 1:11:23 pm PDT

re: #57 wrenchwench

Until people start including their age in their nic, folks will be thrown in the ‘age category’ that ‘matches’ their opinions.

While my chronological age may classify me as a “old”, I’m still the suave, dashing 23 year old at heart.

Having said that, do I have reason to be cynical based on life experiences?

I was a military brat living in Hof, Germany (the checkpoint for entry from West Germany to Berlin in East Germany) when Kennedy was assassinated. We all understood that if there was an attack, we were in the first defensive line. Scary time. From our rental, we could often see lights and hear explosions and machine gun fire from the border.

As a kid, I did drills that were supposed to “help” in a nuclear attack. Living on military bases, we understood the futility.

So yes, my life experiences and disappointment have left me cynical and believe it or not, even cranky.

However, I”ve never stopped in hoping and working for a better future. And my past experiences, while making me cynical, for provided a motivation to make the future better for my kids and grand kids.

We all evaluate reality through the lens of our life experiences. Don’t generalize folks, it’s disrespectful.