
Palestinians on the Western Dole

mad mullah2/09/2009 10:11:33 am PST

The palestinians are being artificially sustained by the naive west, which in turn only churns out more terrorists in the long run. Frankly, I don’t feel all that sorry for a population that is economically poor (due to their own war mongering and total lack of responsibility) and a population where each woman spits out six babies and much of their meager resources goes towards perpetuating violence. How about sending them some condoms? Or perhaps the palestinians should implement laws such as they have in China, allowing only one child per family. The miserable situation and the miserable society that the palestinians have created is solely their own doing. All aid should be cut off in my opinion, they shouldn’t get a cent from the west. Let the hateful arab and muslim world sustain them, if that’s what they wish.