
Chinese Monkey Snub Sets Off Simian Search

HelloDare6/12/2009 8:38:39 pm PDT

Monkey Calender at L.A. Zoo

6:00 am - Feng shui orientation
8:00 - Aromatherapy
9:00 - Horoscope
11:00 - Meet with union organizer
12:00 - Banana jubilee
2:00 pm - Play date with the three-toes sloth family
3:00 - Colonic
4:30 - Cucumber facial
5:30 - Mud wrap
6:30 - Mixed Fruit Jamboree
7:30 - Chamomile tea break
8:30 - Feces Fling
9:30 - Group Howl
11:30 - Massage before bedtime