
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

Killgore Trout7/29/2009 8:23:52 pm PDT

re: #1 pink freud

If Huffpo is what is considered “valuable” these days, we’re in for a world of hurt.

It’s a very sad state of affairs but Huffpo is one of the better blogs going these days. Their coverage of the Iranian uprising was excellent while right wing bloggers were frantically covering the Letterman insulting Palin scandal. As bad as the lefties are they aren’t even close to the nonsense spewed by right wing blogs. Michelle Malkin has advocated every conspiracy theory to come down the pike in the past six months with the possible exception of Nirth Certifikit. She’s never once posted and update or correction. Glenn Reynolds has written editorials praising Ron Paul, linked to Ron Paul articles, posted financial doomsday scenarios from Lew Rockwell’s site and even linked to articles praising militias and libertarian arguments against democracy. FUCKING DEMOCRACY! Hot air is slightly better but not by much. Hot Air commenters frequently refer to the First Lady as “The First Wookie”. Free Republic is indistinguishable from Stormfront.
The right wing blogosphere has gone AWOL and somebody had to step in to fill the void.