
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

Randall Gross10/08/2009 4:17:06 pm PDT

re: #62 iceweasel

None of that information is anyone else’s business, most especially ‘reason for abortion’ and ‘relationship with partner’. If people want to volunteer that info, that’s one matter.

And there is a history of people seeking access for political reasons to teh medical records of women who have had abortions.

Plus, don’t doubt for one second that all that information would be splashed over an Army of God site with the header “Whores and BabyKillers” if they could get their hands on it— along with the phone numbers and addresses of the women involved. Just like they’ve done with doctors who perform abortions.

Phil Kline got in hot water for that. It’s why he’s not in office in Kansas anymore.