
Another Birther Suit Bites the Dust

KernelPanic10/29/2009 12:18:29 pm PDT

Before this birther nonsense gets shut done for good I really hope we get an answer to the “Obama has spent millions defending this legal claim” meme — in every single birther sight and thread you’ll always find someone stating definitively that something must be real because “… he has spent X million dollars in court trying to block our super sane and sensible request that he merely show his long firm birth certificate …

At the beginning of the year, “X” was 1 million dollars, now you hear even bigger amounts.

Every time I see that claim I ask for a link or proof and it never comes back, all links seem to go back to a circular echo chamber of birther logs and websites.

Just once, before this issue gets closed for good I want someone to attempt to back up that claim. I know it does not matter in the long term but for some reason I’m perversely interested in tracking down who initiated that claim and what leaps of {non}logic were used to back it up.