
Onion: Ford Unveils New Car for 2010

NJDhockeyfan11/06/2009 5:38:13 pm PST

Ian McKellen rips out Bible pages of Leviticus..for a reason

Taking a bit of a break from what’s frankly a hard chore of paying attention to shooting (Fort Hood), after shooting (Orlando), after shooting (Tokyo) to share a bit of light news.

I clicked over to and learned that great actor Sir Ian McKellen (Lord Of the Rings, The X-Men series) has an interesting habit he practices in hotel rooms. He rips out a specific page of the Bible from Leviticus, Chapter 18, verse 22, which reads:

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”

According to Jewcy, McKellen told Details magazine:

“I’m not proudly defacing the book,” he asserts, “but it’s a choice between removing that page and throwing away the whole Bible.”

McKellen says his actions have inspired others to do the same. “I got delivered a package of 40 of those pages that had been torn out by a married couple I know. They put them on a bit of string so that I could hang it up in the bathroom.”

Destroying personal property and proud of it, how nice. They should ask him what he does to korans next time.