
Pat Buchanan: Tea Parties Are a 'New Tribe Rising'

Renaissance_Man4/20/2010 10:56:33 am PDT

It’s becoming apparent that public statements such as this, and the endless pushing and prodding that Rush, Beck, and the Conservative blogosphere indulge in every day, are pushing the envelope of dissent into borderline, or not so borderline, sedition and treason. I don’t see a meaningful difference between ‘we should have a rebellion’ and ‘there will probably be a rebellion, and it’ll be their fault for making us do it’.

The question now becomes, should anything be done about it? It’s a tough problem. Several of the most influential media personalities in the nation are now essentially fomenting rebellion on a daily basis. The most popular cable news network does the same. Take some sort of legal stand on it, and feed the Galtian victim fantasies of the cult? Or expect that the cult really does only comprise a tiny, unimportant fraction of the populace, and trust to their innate cowardice and lack of numbers to forestall any violence?