
Pakistanis Rally to Support Death Penalty for Blasphemy

Killgore Trout1/01/2011 3:36:24 pm PST

Freeloading socialists nervous about Republican congress….
US Science Threatened By Budget Crisis

Alan Leshner, CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, told the AFP news agency that the spending cuts could translate into a five to ten percent cut in research and development in the science sector for fiscal years 2011 and 2012.

“One big fear is that one version of the Republican agenda suggested bringing funding back to 2008 levels and that for science would be catastrophic,” said Leshner. “These kinds of budget cuts work against the ultimate national goals of restoring the US economy and its international prowess.”

Nearly all “competitor countries, including India, China and Korea, are increasing investments in science and engineering research, development, and education,” he added. “US funding looks like it could be heading the opposite direction.”

That trend concerns scientists who want to encourage younger people to enter the field of science, and who want to maintain a cutting edge in science and engineering which fuel economic growth, Leshner told AFP.