
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

kirkspencer7/18/2011 5:51:57 pm PDT

Money. second quarter, Romney raised $18 million. In comparison, Bachmann raised 4.2 million - with two caveats.

Caveat one: it was only one month. But don’t multiply by three yet. See, 2.2 million of it came from her congressional warchest. So her working comparative for the second quarter is $8.2 million.

That puts her double anyone but Romney. She’s still less than half his even with monkeying with the numbers.

Detail Polls. The Opening Four. Bachmann leads Iowa. She trails Romney by less than the margin of error in New Hampshire, but still trails. She trails Romney by double digits in both Nevada and South Carolina.

Overall polls. Romney leads Bachmann by just over the margin of error. The thing that has to frighten all the candidates is that as of yet nobody has broken the 30% line. That’s a significant psychological barrier. In my opinion, the fact Romney hasn’t broken it despite being (besides Huntsman) the only anti-Tea Bag candidate means he probably can’t win.

However, we’re back to asking what portion of the Republican party belongs to the Tea Baggers. If they’re the majority and they consolidate behind one candidate, that one wins. If they’re not the majority or they can’t consolidate, we see a fun time at the convention.

From what I can see at this time, I’m thinking the convention is going to be entertaining.