
Overnight Open Thread

96RoadKing8/14/2009 7:03:54 am PDT

re: #646 Walter L. Newton

This is such a typical example of lumping all political ideology’s into one big pot, and then whipping up some hyperbole to put on the top of the whole mess.

This is the sort of talk that went on in the 50’s. If it wasn’t the United States, it was communism. Even 1984 was used to “educate” people to the horrors of communism, when the book had nothing to do with communism. It was all about Stalinism (totalitarianism).

Walter, now you’re just setting up straw men as defend your argument. Joe McCarthy may have been an alcoholic blowhard of a Senator, but with the release of so many records from the Soviet Union’s vaults, it’s been noted that there was indeed an active effort on Stalin’s part to import communism into the social fabric of the US.

Using the argument that anyone contesting your opinion regarding socialism is a McCarthyite is specious and beneath you. You appear to prefer socialism. Fine. Good for you. You’re in a country that gives you the liberty of that voiced opinion. But allow others their opinion that socialism is not an effective solution to the world’s ills.