
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

NukeAtomrod8/18/2009 8:44:32 pm PDT

The thread is dead, but here’s my opinion anyway…

Her resignation was a bad political move.

45% of Americans still have a favorable opinion of her overall. Roughly equal to Obama’s current favorability.

The left, democrats, the mainstream media, and even LGF remain obsessed with her.

The left, democrats, and the mainstream media are pushing the “She’s a quitter” talking point despite the fact that the right, republicans, and independents don’t require any help deciding whether or not that is a concern in supporting her.

Her comments on ObamaCare, while inflammatory, did impact public opinion and policy.

CNN is still polling people, a month afterward, about the impact of the resignation of the Governer of Alaska. With current speed of news cycles, a month is ancient history.

In conclusion, Sarah Palin obviously still has influence in the political realm. And there is a good possibility that she will continue to be an important player in the future.