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674 7:58:50 pm PDT

re: #585 LudwigVanQuixote

Ohh.. the number of how did you get that in there stories medical folks have is astonishing. I have seen them sit and compete for the best one.

The most intense one I heard was a guy wanted to make a dildo from a cast of the inside of his rectum (like a mold) so he had his lover pour fast dry concrete inside of him.

The concrete hardened. He needed surgery.

Yesterday I was watching a show, ER or something - anyhow - a prisoner was brought into the ER of this hospital, there for the THIRD time for the same thing - he had tied a piece of dental floss to a piece of metal and had inserted the metal into his urethra. The string was there to convince the doc he really had done this. He wanted a couple of days out of prison, thought he’d get a few days’ stay in the hospital. Unfortunately, I missed the end of that particular episode so I can’t tell you how it turned out.
But it was unbelievable to me.