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Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/03/2011 9:46:29 pm PDT

re: #674 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

God, I’m getting all kinds of BS from wingnuts on OBL’s becoming an ex-terrorist. They are so desperate to find any angle, any rumor going around, to latch onto as a reason to keep hating the man. They’re trying to keep themselves absolutely convinced that he is the “worst president in history” and are willing to accept any bullshit that fits that mindset.

From the fever swamp:

So far ZERO evidence has been presented by the Soetoro regime that ANY of this has happened, and until evidence IS presented, my only conclusion is this is once again another scam perpetrated by Mr. Soetoro to draw attention away from himself. I can imagine it was getting awfully hot in the WH with Mr. Trump constantly breathing down the back of our first foreign born Islamic posing as a US President, so what to do? Hey I know! A miracle has happened! We found Hitler hiding out in Graceland! And we….we..we killed him! yeah that’s it! And we immediately dumped him into the ocean so nobody can ever ever find him! Because when you finally have the most wanted man in the world, the first order of business is to get rid of him as fast as possible like Seigfreid and Roy magic!

This idjit is essentially accusing not just the president (a foregone conclusion) but the joint chiefs, the SEALs, the officers and crew of the USS Carl Vinson, and anyone else with direct knowledge of this operation of criminal complicity in a politically motivated hoax. Further, they are alleged to be so stupid as to ignore the near certainty of Osama popping up alive to discredit such a hoax.