
Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire Primary

Lidane1/10/2012 9:38:07 pm PST

re: #662 Gus 802

So to recap. The Republican plans is to:

1. Overturn Roe v. Wade
2. More tax cuts for rich assholes.
3. Constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between man/woman.
4. Close the EPA.
5. Closer the Department of Education
6. Starting a war on porn.
7. Starting a land war with Iran.
8. Masturbating more.

9. Outlawing birth control (i.e., “personhood” amendments)
10. Finding a way to legally discriminate against Muslims. (Creeping Sharia! ZOMG!)
11. Finding a way to legally suppress minority votes. (Voter ID laws)
12. Finding a way to legally screw over unionized workers.
13. Finding a way to legally deport Hispanics and Latinos, even if they’re citizens of this country.
14. Barack Obama’s birth certificate/citizenship.