
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

Sharmuta3/09/2009 9:00:05 pm PDT

re: #633 Iron Fist

On abortion, the key is that Americans are moderately pro-choice. Part of that implies that there are two valid choices: to abort OR to have the child. These are not content neutral choices. To the degree that the Democrats try to treat them as content neutral, the Republicans should be able to stick it in them and BREAK IT OFF. Clinton hit the formulation exactly right when he said that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. The Republicans should adoptthis choice as a pro-life position with the stated goal of there being no abortions in the United States even though it is still technically legal. What are the donks going to do, say no,no,no,no,no - we want abortion to be as common and as casual as clipping your nails!

That would be a nice compromise and I would welcome it. This is why opposition to Rudy troubled me so much on this issue. Who cares if an elected official is “pro-life” or “pro-choice” if that official has solutions that have actually reduced abortions and saved babies? Focusing on the ideal instead of a means to get there is troubling and I think it hurts the party.