
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

NJDhockeyfan1/30/2009 10:15:33 pm PST

Hospital calls in exorcist after ghost spotted

Staff at Derby’s new City General, soon to be renamed the Royal Hospital, which is built on the original City General site, claim a black-clad figure wearing a cloak is stalking the corridors and wards.

Senior manager Debbie Butler has now reportedly briefed the terrified employees via email, explaining that they have hired an exorcist to come and rid the 334 million hospital of their unwanted visitor.

She explained: “I’m not sure how many of you are aware that some members of staff have reported seeing a ghost.

“I’m taking it seriously as the last thing I want is staff feeling uneasy.”

She added: “I don’t want to scare anyone any more than necessary, but felt it was best I made you all aware of the situation and what we are doing about it.

“I’ve spoken to the Trust’s chaplain and she is going to arrange for someone from the cathedral to exorcise the department.”

One source told The Sun: “There have been dozens of sightings over recent weeks and people are scared witless.

“Several have seen a male figure cloaked from had to toe in black darting between rooms and through walls - especially in departments near the morgue.

“It’s affected morale so much that bosses decided they had to act.”

Call the Ghost Hunters!