
White Supremacists Plan to Recruit at July 4th Tea Parties

Killgore Trout5/26/2009 8:46:24 pm PDT

Fat Lesbian Neighbour Update:
As I was eating my hydroponic pesto (which was delicious) she unloaded a new light weight electric lawn mower. After a few minutes of struggling a passing cyclist stopped to help her get it assembled, a pair of dog walkers helped her empty the bag, neighbours came out with an extra extension cord.
It’s nice to see that people are good. Fat Lesbian is now determined to mow her own lawn and is out there working her heart out.
Here’s and idea; Instead of spending this July 4th attending a Rom Paul rally with White Nationalists and 9-11 Truthers, you could instead spend the day helping a nieghbour in need. Fox news won’t cover it but maybe it’s a better way to show your patriotism.