
Glenn Beck, Ron Paul, and the Truthers

Perplexed9/05/2009 5:07:52 pm PDT

So Rush is out. Beck is out. Malkin is suspect. Bill O’reilly is out. Sean Hanity is out. Mike Savage is out. Bill Bennet probably out. Laura Ingraham so far out as to not exist. So who is a conservative to listen to? Perhaps Joe Soucherary is okay?

I found a couple cute things on my radio. One of them is the on/off switch and the other changes the frequency being received. When one of the above hosts goes off the deep end I use those two controls to great effect. As an adult I find other adults making not so subtle efforts to narrow my listening/watching habits disturbing. I’ve even listened to Air America a few times, but was really turned off to most of the hosts they had since it seemed like the only topic the hosts had was HOW BAD IS THE BUSH (fill in the blank). Rather limited topics.