
Laszlo: Bohemian Groove

Birth Control Works11/26/2011 10:28:12 am PST

re: #672 Obdicut

There’s just not enough known, unlike for Rome where we have voluminous commentary. The only really ‘original’ pagan texts are just inscriptions on stones, swords, armor, etc. And since the Eddas are such astonishingly powerful poetic works, they’ve tended to set the tone of Norse mythology even though everyone knows they were written in the post-Christian era, and that the Prose Edda especially retells the Norse myths with a Christian overlay. Snorri, the dude who wrote it, thought that the Norse gods were actually men who had become mythologized; not a bad theory, but it makes the presentation of the myths rather skewed in that direction.


I wouldn’t mind knowing what his life was like. With a name like that …