
AP: NSA Improperly Collected an Incredibly Tiny Number of Emails

triple8/21/2013 4:10:50 pm PDT

re: #665 jamesfirecat

Why metric system and why term limits?

It seems to me that most people who put forward the idea of term limits are only putting a bandaid on an amputation and all it would really result in is that the lobbyists have more years of experience at their job than the congressional people they are trying to influence.

Honsetly there have been much worse things for America than the Great Depression ending, World War Two winning, superpower status establishing four terms that FDR got elected to.

Base 10 is just better. It just is.

Do you know why the house is so crazy and the senate.. not so much?

It’s because reps get 2 years. And then.. re-election!

So everything they do is aimed at satisfying the base. The crazy, religious, irrational, base.

There’s one fix to this.. longer terms. Makes sense. But that’s not that democratic! If one guy sucks, he’s unaccountable.

My solution.. one term and you’re done. You run on a platform, and then you do that platform. There’s no such thing as a career politician anymore. Sure, you can run for president or senate, but you’re not ruining our democracy for it.