
No We Didn't

Pupdawg2/25/2009 12:56:06 pm PST

re: #295 HelloDare

Time to update the quiz.


1. How many states are there?




2. Are you the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee? Are you even on the committee?

Yes. Yes.

No, I made the whole thing up.

3. How many bombs hit Pear Harbor?

A. One

B. Two

C. More than two.

4. If you are elected President, how many years will you serve?

A 8 to 10

B. 4 to 8

C. 2 to 6

5. True or False.
China’s ports, train system and airports are vastly superior to those in the United States’?

A. True

B. False.

C. Only in my mind.

6. Which country’s army liberated Auschwitz?

A. Russia.

B. The United States

C. The Duchy of Grand Fenwick

7. Which countries have UNSC veto power?

A. England, France, Russia, United States, China.

B. United States, China, France, England.

9. Bill Ayers is

A. An unrepentent terrorist

B. my friend.

C. a. & b.

10. Who has publicly admitted that you cause their leg to tingle?

A. Chris Matthews

B. Bernadine Dorn

C. Larry Craig

D. Barbara Walters

F. Scarlett Johansson

11. Who have you not thrown under the bus?

A. Rev. Wright

B. Your grandmother

C. Federico Fellini

12. Eau Claire is a

A. State

B. City

13. Who lied about his vote on infantacide

A. Me

B. Sideshow Mel.

14. For the first time in her life, your wife was proud to be an American when

A. She had a chance to become First Lady.

B. She was never really proud till I was elected. Now she’s insufferable.

15. In May 2007 tornadoes that hit Kansas killed _________ people died?

A. 10,000.

B. 12.

16. What member of the media admitted that is is his job to insure your success.

A. Chris Matthews

B. Andrew Sullivan

C. Helen Thomas

17. The man I describe in my book as Frank is

A. Frank Marshall Davis, communist party member

B. Just some guy named Frank.

C. Barney Frank

17. Who invented the automobile?

A. Some American guy.

B. Some German guy.

C. Guy Faulk.

Final Scores:

Obama - No Correct Answers - 0%

Democrat dajour - 3 Correct Answers - 17.64%

Pelosi - 1 Correct Answer - 5.88%

An Anonymous 5th Grade Student - 17 Correct Answers - 100%