
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

idioma8/19/2009 12:27:03 am PDT

re: #678 Ojoe

Dr. Shalit

Palin is on the side of life. Carries Trig to term.

Obama says “punished with a baby.”

The contrast cannot be more clear.

Reproductive decisions are an insufficient qualification for leading a modern nuclear-armed nation. She can’t even answer tough questions like: “what newspapers and magazines do you read?”

I know in my heart which of the two would be better for the country.

We have made a terrible mistake in 2008, I hope the Creator can cut us some slack.

— Ojoe

Did god vote in 2008? I can’t remember. We are not a theocrazy™. You let your leaders off the hook with excuses concerning “the will of god” and you’re inviting never-ending misery for the rest of us.

“I hope the Creator can cut us some slack.”

Seriously? The Creator of the entire universe, concerned with something as petty as a four year term; What kind of creator is that?