
Creationist Texas Governor Takes Early Lead

Gus3/02/2010 11:44:15 pm PST

re: #676 LudwigVanQuixote

And just think all of that would go away if we switched to domestic energy production…

As to the costs of higher education, it is in a spiral driven by a number of forces, not the least of which being that state schools are always first on the chopping block of state budgets - unless we are talking football or basketball.

We are very good at creating a nation of non literates while perpetuating the death grip of the few.

NCAA Speaking of rackets. College sports has to be one of the biggest frauds in our education system that makes the alleged problem of unions pale in comparison. It’s also not uncommon for some coaches to make upwards of 1 million per year and be treated like royalty within the upper echelons of the college establishment. The profits of course are never really shared with the citizenry and instead is held within the elites confines of the college sports establishment with tentacles that reach into the mass media. I guess you can say it’s another example of trickle down economics that never trickle down.