
Pro-Palestinian 'Peace Activists' Tried to Take Hostages

Targetpractice6/04/2010 5:27:21 pm PDT

re: #676 drcordell

It’s not that hard to understand. Hamas was elected in questionable elections (pushed for by the eminently wise GW Bush I might add). The result was hardly a landslide for Hamas. The elections were bitterly contested.

Now, as a result of the blockade and the resulting flotilla clusterfuck, Hamas’ popularity has risen. They have been massively strengthened economically by their ability to sell smuggled goods at inflated prices. Their ability to smuggle weapons has not been curtailed.

And yes, despite all of this much of Gaza remains a bombed-out shithole. I’m not sure why Hamas can’t be strengthened while Gazan infrastructure remains completely bombed-out. Terrorists don’t need infrastructure. In fact, Hamas prefers that Gaza remain bombed out.

You’re right, Hamas profits from the misery of Gaza, so what will change by ending the blockade? Do you believe that, by dropping the blockade and letting banned items flow back in, that Hamas’ power base will suddenly disappear? That the people will rise up, throw them out, and establish an Israel-friendly regime?

If you do, I know some guys who escaped from Castro’s Cuba who’d like to have a few words with you.