
Pat Robertson: Young Earth Creationism is a "Joke"

Dr Lizardo2/05/2014 11:19:10 am PST

re: #63 A Mom Anon

The water coming out of the faucets is the color of orange Gatorade and people are being told not to get it on their faces because it burns.

Sochi is going to end up with a shit ton of condemned buildings no one will ever use again. What a waste. Wonder how many athletes will end up sick or worse.

On a semi related note, two of the three formerly jailed members of Pussy Riot were on Colbert last night with a translator. It was a good interview.

Oh, shit. That’s bad….really bad. Now that the reporters are arriving in Sochi in earnest to cover the Games, I think this is gonna be a PR disaster for the Russians.