
In Which Peggy Noonan Wrestles the Many-Armed Squid in Ink-Darkened Water

Killgore Trout4/05/2014 7:44:55 pm PDT

re: #62 freetoken

The outrage over the outrage over Eich is, I can only conclude, coming from the fact that the original outrage actually proved effectual in achieving its goal (the removal of Eich.)

Unlike the religious right boycott of Disney, which didn’t seem to cause much change at all at Disney.

Yup, it worked so I and it was a high profile head to claim. We’ll see more.
Brendan Eich is a homophobe; I’m a lesbian and neither of us deserves to lose our jobs
She runs some lesbian dating site.

Building awareness of LGBTQ issues is always great but, so far, all that’s happened from this is that one man lost his job and OKCupid got worldwide attention again. But their publicity came at the price of one man’s personal and political choices. It isn’t right that Brendan Eich lost his job because of his personal beliefs, anymore than I should lose my job because I’m a lesbian. I may not agree with him and how he feels about gay marriage, but that’s how the world works - we’re allowed to have different viewpoints and publicly punishing each other for them isn’t right. That’s not equality.