
Bob Schneider Live on Texas Music Scene: "Unpromised Land"

goddamnedfrank10/11/2014 1:31:24 am PDT

Sabbath Sermon: Adam and Steve (It’s not what you think, this one will really surprise you. Finally an uplifting religious take on the issue.) Since it’s a long article and some of the paragraphs are short, only containing one sentence, I’m going to paste more than the customary 4 - 5 paragraphs.

Henderson went on to say that God gave in on this issue of divorce, despite this not having been God’s intent in the beginning.

“You need to realize that God has given in often throughout history to us,” said Henderson.

He cited God’s giving the Israelites a king when they asked for it, even though God was their King. When David, a “man after God’s own heart” became King, he was good, but after time, he became corrupt.

“They [the Israelites] chose to be a part of something that was never God’s original design, but this is the world we live in,” said Henderson. “How I wish we could all go back to the way things used to be,” he continued. “And interestingly enough, God works with us in our own sinful matrix. How often that God has to put up with the way that we chose to do things. It was not God’s will that Eve take the fruit and that Adam also partook in it.”

Henderson stated that maybe even up to 90% of the things that happened in the Bible did not happen as God wanted it to happen.

Henderson preached that what really upsets God is when people hurt other people. He cited Nineveh as an example, calling it the city of blood where people walked over dead bodies in the streets.

“We keep thinking that ‘Wicked Cities’ was like people at the slot machine in Vegas—people just watching a bunch of porn. When the Bible describes evil, it’s talking about stuff that’s so scary, so disgusting, that even the wicked city doesn’t want to be around itself.”

People will say that homosexuals are like rabbits, and all they want to do is have sex. Henderson said this is a problem, because these statements dehumanize. “You create all these images as if they are not people that are having soul connections—relating to one another, identifying with one another. You need to understand the foundation of relationships…and it’s not sex! It’s heart to heart connection.”

“Listen, the character of God never changes. His heart never changes. His love never changes. It will never-we could never be separated from that. But God will change His mind because we change! The game changes and God will adjust based on the circumstances. Why wouldn’t He? In fact, coaches get fired because they don’t know how to change their game plan within the game!”