
The Duggars and the Bizarre Regressive "Quiverfull" Movement

TedStriker5/22/2015 7:48:00 pm PDT

re: #65 subterraneanhomesickalien

Do these fucking people believe they are above the law?

The police report reveals that Jim Bob Duggar “met with the elders of his church and told them what was going on” rather than contacting law enforcement. Josh was then sent to “Christian counseling” for three months, which, according to his mother’s admission, was not any sort of licensed counseling facility

Because they ran out the clock on the statute of limitations then present on these crimes, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar guaranteed that Josh could never be prosecuted for those assaults.

So, yes, Josh, Jim Bob, and Michelle are indeed above the law in all of this; it’s enough to make you want to go break shit.