
Ted Cruz Appears With Anti-Gay Hate Group American Family Association, Openly Advocates Theocracy

Dr. Matt8/11/2015 12:32:51 pm PDT

Marissa Janae Johnson doesn’t ‘give a f*ck’ if protest at Seattle Bernie Sanders rally drives people away

Well, what would you say to the people who say that you’re hurting your cause?” {reporter} White asked.

“I don’t give a fuck about the white gaze,” Johnson replied. “I don’t. I literally don’t.”

When asked about her admission that she once supported former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), Johnson explained that her parents, an interracial couple, are Tea Party supporters and that she was a supporter of the former vice presidential candidate when she was a high schooler in 2008.

“Clearly that’s not where I am, because people leave high school and go to college and [change their views],” she explained, adding that she was a “devout evangelical Christian.”

She’s a fucking teabagger….enough said. Bernie better beef up his security.