
New Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Trump's Behavior Encourages White Supremacists

Blind Frog Belly White10/29/2018 12:27:22 pm PDT

re: #66 KGxvi

That’s probably mostly true. But I also wouldn’t be surprised a Clinton presidency would have resulted Steve King somehow becoming a legitimate 2020 contender.

I think we are just at a point in history where this is all coming to a head again. We slipped in 2016, but we can still prevail this year and in 2020.

I really think Trump is a unique character, and that should not be underestimated. One of the reasons why Trump won the nomination was that there was no way to out-crazy him. Even Huckabee was unable to run to the Right of Trump, because he couldn’t pull off the brazen lying and bullshitting. Nobody can.