
Colbert: Trump Hasn't Been Tested for Coronavirus Despite Possible Exposure, and He's Proud of It

BigPapa3/11/2020 11:31:21 am PDT

re: #50 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I’m sick of him using the genuine idealism of younger voters to act like he’s fucking unique. You’re not the first youth driven candidate, Bernie and you won’t be the last. Stop being an egotistical dipshit and just accept you’re not going to be the nominee. Try to figure out how you might get M4A passed in a possible Biden administration instead of shitting on Biden.

I saw a passage in a Reddit thread (LOL I know) where the poster noted that the left always has a romantic relatinship with some anti-establishmentarian, as if it’s in our ID. Going backwards before Bernie, to Stein, Nader, and those teasing the tips of the horshoe with Ron Paul, Perot, going back to Goldwater. Somehow this trait is more prominent on the left. It was an interesting read, I wish I bookmarked it.