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Shropshire Slasher1/21/2022 5:24:34 am PST

I got nuttin:

This Morning viewers have been left baffled by a couple who say they are ‘ecosexuals’ - and claim they are ‘married’ to the earth and give it ‘pleasure’.

Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, from San Francisco, appeared on the ITV programme today to speak with presenters Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary about their sexual preference.

They explained that they have an ‘intimate relationship with our planet’ and ‘make love’ to the earth.

Viewers were left gobsmacked by the duo, with one person writing on Twitter: ‘I have no words to say what I think about these two. I mean, what the actual f*** are they going on about?!’

‘When you’re going for a walk you’re giving the earth a massage with your feet,’ suggested Beth, who said ‘all you have to do is love the earth to marry it’.

The presenters asked the couple how you become ecosexuals, with the duo claiming people can build their way up to ‘making love with the earth’.

Annie added: ‘You’ve got to put your heart into it and just open yourself up and let your erotic energy move through you and feel the tree and love that tree.’

The couple explained that people ask whether the tree has ‘consented’, with Beth replying: ‘But we can’t talk to the tree but we listen and try to sense whether the tree likes to be hugged or not.

Ok after reading that I may have a little wood…