
Cory and the Wongnotes: "Crisis" (Feat. Big Wild)

EPR-radar4/14/2022 9:56:34 pm PDT

re: #67 Targetpractice

Which will certainly give some folks more incentive to get out there and vote Dem in November. The problem we’re facing the 2010 dilemma all over again: Young folks see no upside to maintaining the Dem majority that outweighs the downside of Repubs winning it. If anything, the situation is worse because at least the ACA was a step in the direction the administration promised on Day One. Nobody really had “infrastructure” or “judges” towards the top of their list of priorities when voting for Biden.

Keeping the goddamn Republicans from fucking everything up needs to count for a lot more than it does.

Let’s be real here. With all due respect to Stacey Abrams, Democrats getting Senate control in 2020 was a gift from Trump’s clown show that is unlikely to be repeated. Without that, we would have gotten absolutely nothing done 2020-2022, and it still would have been worth it to keep Republicans out.

People need to realize that no matter what their precious issues are, no progress will be made on them unless/until the GOP menace is beaten back. Nothing else matters more than voting D in every general election, at every level. And it isn’t close. Nothing else is even in the same galaxy as simply showing up in the damn general elections.