
Rep. Raskin Slams Republicans for Aiding Trump's Plans for Retribution: "An Absolute Betrayal"

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire6/09/2024 2:07:41 pm PDT

Afternoon Lizards. An update on getting the Egg back on the road. I mentioned this morning that the battery pack was totally depleted (4.5 VDC). Well not even my 72 VDC, 40 amp charger could bring it up to voltage. Hell, I had to shut it off because it was over heating. So I’m now having to charge each battery individually. I also ordered a 100 Amp load tester to check each battery to see if any of them need to be replaced. I just so happen to have 2 of the same type of batteries that I purchased for the ill fated RV project on hand. So if replacement(s) is/are necessary, I at least have them on hand.