
Diseases Coming Back, Thanks to Anti-Vaxers

doppelganglander5/07/2009 10:37:41 am PDT

re: #51 wee fury

Everyone should read old newspapers.

August 25, 1916
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Two Paralysis Patients Freed From Quarantine.
Two infantile paralysis patients were released from quarantine by city health officers late yesterday, reducing the number of cases in St Paul to thirty five. Although no new cases were reported yesterday afternoon, Margaret Hagan 2 yar old daughter of Mrs George Hagen, Webster, South Dakota, was taken from a train here to the City hospital. Physicians who attended her diagnosed her case as infantile paralysis. Her condition is said to be serious.

Just a few days ago, a woman in North Carolina died after spending 61 years in an iron lung due to polio. A shame she never got a chance to read Jenny McCarthy the riot act.